
Rim to Rim Club® Founder  Michelle Delloso hiked her first Rim to Rim hike of the Grand Canyon in August 2010 with one of her best friends she grew up with (Sandy Schey).

Michelle organized their Rim to Rim hike after losing her father to an illness. Michelle wanted to honor her father’s last breaths, as well as those of many others, by taking on the “climb”. The hike brought much comfort to her heart as they talked about life, goals & perspective.  It also became a spiritual refuge for the soul during the quiet times.

Like many that hike Rim to Rim, friends were made on the canyon crossing and Michelle wanted to offer a place where they could all re-connect, reflect, and share what this experience meant for each of them. Michelle finished the hike on August 19, 2010 and on August 20-21, 2010 she filed the necessary paperwork registering the club and website domain making if official. It was in that moment that the vision quest of the website and the official Rim to Rim Club® of the Grand Canyon was born. Her conviction of helping others to have that life-changing experience, adventure and perspective like she had would soon be carried out as she worked relentlessly to help hikers to take on the Grand Canyon responsibly, respectfully and successfully!

This website offers inspiration & information to those following their soul’s aspiration to take on this hike (and other outdoor adventures) while offering a forum and club to celebrate one’s accomplishment and share one’s story.

Michelle has hiked the Grand Canyon many times since and has built a deep relationship with it and other canyons in the region. Her goal and mission is to continue to advocate adventuring in these canyons and the outdoors responsibly, respectfully and successfully while offering Rim to Rim® branded items to help others to celebrate their Rim to Rim hiking accomplishments.

Michelle strongly feels that adventuring in the outdoors can offer hope, healing and inspiration for the heart as well as a strong sense of peace, purpose and re-calibration for the soul.

To reach Michelle please message her on LinkedIn.

To listen to a podcast with Michelle discussing her love of canyons and helping two hikers getting ready to embark on a Rim to Rim hike, please visit these links below for Apple Podcasts (series of 3 – Beyond the Rim) – Here’s to the Climb!

Podcast links:

Segment One